친구가 영어공부를 한다고 하여 영작을 한다길래, 저한테 메일을 보내라고 했더니,
메일이 왔길래 그에 대한 답장을 아래와 같이 적었습니다.
이렇게 길게..(?) 영작을 해본 적이 없어서, 맞는 문법인지 모르겠습니당..
읽는데는 1분걸리는 이 쉬운 영어를 영작할려니, 1분이상 걸리더군요..
나름 영작하여 메일보내기가 재미있어서 답장이 오면 또 할 생각입니다.
혹, 태클 걸어주신다면 감사... :)
I'm very pleased to receive your e-mail.
My answer has been quite late. ^^;; sorry.
What were you doing? I'm very tired. I feel heavy.
Because I didn't go to bed early last night. I will go to bed early tonight.ㅠㅠ
It's too hot. When is this hot weather going to die down? I wanna icecream. ㅇㅇ??
Did you make plans for your trip? I want to go to... Take me with you. ㅠㅠ
We must try as often as possible to visit foreign countries to get further information about life.
When should you go?
I hope that you have a good trip.
well I will finish this letter..
Have a nice day and let's keep in touch.
P.S : Keep this letter forever because This is first letter to send to you, too.Neh Neh Neh Boo Boo :)